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All natural, non-toxic products ROOTED in sound science and a passion for healthy skin, hair growth and maintenance.

OPAL - Skincare

The OPAL collection is comprised of natural hair cleansing products.


The OPAL stone is extremely pleasing to the sight as in encapsulates lighting like a rainbow. Its many colors and forms are similar to that of the many depictions of a Phoenix.


The OPAL stone represent luck, happiness, hope and purity.

Boobie Butter

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Boobie Butter

Sale Price:$10.00 Original Price:$12.00

Breastfeeding is an amazing gift but it also can be a trying and hurtful task. If you’re suffering from soreness post feed, give your fountains of nutrition a much needed break with our soothing Boobie Butter.

Instructions: Apply after breastfeeding to soothe dry nipples. Butter can be left on or wiped off before next feeding.

Ingredients: Capuacu Butter, Coconut Oil, Lanolin, Vitamin E and Bergamot Essential Oil

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